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Psote. Christian Feast Day [23rd of December]


Psote (died 300), also known as Bisada, Besada, Abashadi, Abassadius, or Beshada, was a bishop of Ebsay in Upper Egypt. It was a city and Metropolitan Archbishopric in Greco-Roman Egypt and remains a Catholic titular see. Also has a name of Ptolemais Hermiou or Ptolemais in the Thebaid.

Hawavish Rock Tombs

Ptolemais Hermiou was established on the west bank of the Nile at the site of the Egyptian village of Psoï in the Thinis nome by Ptolemy I Soter sometime after 312 BCE to be the capital of Upper Egypt.

According to Strabo, it was the largest city in the Thebaid, equal to Memphis in size. It also had its own constitution, an assembly with elected magistrates and judges not unlike a traditional Greek polis. Greek settlers to the city were brought over from the Peloponnese and northern Greece, the city housed temples to Greek and Egyptian gods (Zeus, Dionysus, Isis) as well as a cult for the worship of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. There was also a theater and actor's guild present in the city.

Decorated pillars of the temple at Karnac, Thebes, Egypt.

Today, the city of El Mansha in the Sohag Governorate is located where the ancient city used to be.

He was martyred by beheading at Antinoe.

His feast day is observed on December 23 in the Coptic Church or on December 21 in some other churches.

Manuscript- discourses of Psote and Severus - Right cover

Coptic and Arabic inscriptions in an Old Cairo church

The Mosque of Mohamed Ali, above..Coptic Cairo: Ancient Christianity

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