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Day of Defenders of the Motherland (Uzbekistan). 14 of January

All men of Uzbekistan are celebrated on this day. Because initially every man is the defender of his honor, home and Motherland…

But particularly warm words sound at this holiday about military men, for whom the 14th of January (the day, when Armed Forces of Uzbekistan were established) is the professional holiday. The Day of defenders of Motherland is the great state holiday and it is observed in broad and spectacular way. This day the ranks of military men in full dress are lined up on the main square of the country in order to accept congratulations and awards from the leader of the country.

The representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Security Service and other institutions participate in this ceremony. The moment, when the marching of all force divisions begins along the square to the sound of military orchestra, is particularly colorful. Participants of the parade also lay the wreaths to the monument of Independence.

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