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Park Geun-hye

18th President of South Korea 2013-2017

The first female leader of her contry, the most powerfull women in East Asia

Date of birth: 2 of February 1952

Place of birth: Taegu, South Korea

Education: Sogang University Joseph Fourier University

Geun-hye is a first child of the 3rd President of South Korea. She recivied a bachelor degree in electronic engineer of Sogang University. She breafly studied at Joseph Fourier University till her mother was murdered in the National Theater of Korea, so she had to leave France in 1984. Later she recieved a title of First Lady after asessination of her father in 1989 by his opponents of his time.

She reciewed doctor degrees from the Chinese Culture University in Taiwán in 1987, Pukyong National University in 2008.

Geun-hye is a member of Grand National Party (GNP).

She was elected as a President of the Republic of Korea in 2012 with an approval of 51.6% of voters.

She expressed her hope for Korea to give up nuclear weapon and walk on the path of peace and mutual development.

Park´s inauguration ceremony was the largest in the history of South Korea with 70,000 participants.

After taking control of the Office, Park restructed the Blue House and government organization. New nits like National Security Office at Blue House, Ministry of Science, Future Planning, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries were newly launched.

In 2013 Park and Barack Obama adopted a joint declaration for the American-South Korea Alliance.

Succesfull launch of the Naro rocket is the outcome of mutually benefitialy relations with Russia in 2013.

On April 2017 Park signed the Australia-Korea free trade Agreement.

Also boosted Iran-South Korea trade volum from $6 billion to $18 billion.

Park had a dificult but critical responsability of diffusing threats from the ever combating neighbour North Korea. She tried to get a north neigbour to abandon their nuclear weapons programm by promising humanitarian aid and an investment in its weak industries but haven´t quashed any nuclear ambitions.

In April 2017 Park was arested and charged of abuse of power, leaking government secrets. Park denied the charges.

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